Abels, Conrad


(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 31.01.1856 Weert (Roermond)/Netherlands, priest 29.03.1878 or 29.03.1879, member of C. I. C. M. 1879 or 1881, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Lagania and Apostolic Vicar of Mongolia orientale 05.06.1897, consecrated 31.10.1897 in Sung shu tsuei tze, consecrator Mons. Guillon, died 04.02.1942 Weert (Roermond) [1]


Abrantowicz, Fabian


(Foto: http://de.catholicmartyrs.org)


Born 14.09.1884 Nowogrudok/Minsk, priest 09.11.1908, member of M.I.C. 1926, nominated Exarch of Harbin 31.05.1928, arrested 1939, died 02.01.1946 in the prison of Butyrka [2]


Accogli, Luigi

(Foto: Find a grave)

Born 16.08.1917 Andrano (Lecce), priest 06.03.1943, nominated Tit.-Archbishop of Treba and Apost. Pro-Nuncio to China 16.10.1967, consecrated 26.11.1967 in Rome, consecrator Cardinal Amleto Cicognani [2a], nominated Apost. Nuncio to Ecuador 29.09.1970, nominated Apost. Nuncio to Bangladesh 06.07.1979, nominated Apost. Nuncio to Syria 17.06.1988, retired 18.02.1993, died 21.06.2004 [2b]


Ackermann, Raymund Alfons


(Foto: Archive of Abbey Münsterschwarzach)


Born 07.03.1898 Kirchschönbach/Würzburg, member of O.S.B. 03.10.1923, priest 19.03.1925, nominated Apostolic Administrator of Yenki 1950, left China 13.10.1952, emeritus 1954, died 22.07.1983 Abbey Münsterschwarzach/Schwarzach am Main [3]


Aguilar, Justo Alfonso



(Foto: Archive Perraud)


Born 14.12.1814 Jaen/Spain, member of O.P. 1830, priest 10.07.1842, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Tebaste and Coadjutor of Fokien 05.09.1848, consecrated 08.09.1850 in Ke-sen, consecrator Mons. Calderon, emeritus 26.11.1865, died 12.12.1874 Ocana (Toledo)/Spain [4]


Aguirre Murga, Francisco


(Foto: Archive Perraud)


Born 22.02.1863 Eloibar (Vitoria)/Spain, member of O.P. 14.09.1883, priest 24.04.1887, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Botrys and Apostolic Vicar of Fokien 13.12.1911, consecrated 16.06.1912 in Bui-chu (Vietnam), consecrator Mons. Velasco [5], died 13.06.1941 Foochow [6]


Albouy, Paulin Joseph Justin


(Foto: Archive Perraud)


Born 09.06.1880 Camboulazet (Rodez)/France, member of M.E.P. 15.09.1898, priest 21.06.1903, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Cidyessus and Apostolic Vicar of Nanning 27.03.1930, consecrated 24.08.1930 in Hongkong, consecrator Mons. Deswazières, nominated Archbishop of Nanning 11.04.1946, died 06.02.1954 Camboulazet [7]


Albrand, Etienne Raymond

(Foto: Guizhou diocese)


Born 04.04.1805 St. Crepin (Gap)/France, priest 19.06.1829, member of M.E.P. 03.12.1831, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Sura and Apostolic Vicar of Kuiceu 24.02.1849, consecrated 18.03.1849 in Pee-ho-chou, consecrator Mons. Desflèches, died 22.04.1853 Kouy-Yang [8]


Albuini, Gerardo


Born (unknown date) Italy, member of O.F.M., priest, nominated Bishop for China 23.07.1307, consecrated, consecrator Cardinal Minio da Morrovalle [9], nominated Aux.-Bishop of  Khanbaliq 1313, nominated Bishop of Zaitum 1313, died 1318 Zaitum [10]


Alcala, Pedro d', see D' Alcala



Ambrosi, Luigi


(Foto: Archive Perraud)


Born 1829 Soave (Verona)/Italy, member of M.E.M., priest, nominated Apostolic Prefect of Hongkong 20.06.1855, died 10. or 31.03.1867 Hongkong [11]



An Shi'en, Simon

Born 12.1.1915, priest 20.4.1944, Bishop of Daming, consecrated 30.08.1989, consecrator Peter Liu Guandong, died 25.03.2002 [12]



An Shuxin, Francis


(Foto: Source: Asia News)


Born 16.07.1946, priest 07.01.1981, Aux.-Bishop of Baoding, consecrated 02.05.1993, consecrator Bishop Peter Liu Guandong, 1996 – 24.08.2006 in prison, Administrator of Baoding 00.12.2006, Coadjutor of Baoding 2007, officially installed Bishop of Baoding 07.08.2010 [13]


Anouilh, Jean-Baptiste


 (Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 10.11.1819 Prat (Pamiers)/France, member of C.M. 19.07.1845, priest 06.06.1846, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Abydes and Coadjutor of Peking 28.03.1848, consecrated 22.06.1851 in Siao-Yug-ly, consecrator Mons. Mouly, nominated Apostolic Vicar of Ce-Li Meridio-Occidentale 14.12.1858, died 18.02.1869 Tcheng-ting-fu [14]


Antonucci, Gregorio


(Foto: Archive Perraud)


Born 29.10.1846 Subiaco/Italy, member of M.E.R., priest 20.12.1873, nominated Apostolic Vicar of Chensi meridional 1888, emeritus 00.03.1895 (without consecration), died 14.08.1902 Subiaco [15]



Anzer, Johannes Baptist von (since 1897)


(Foto: Archive Perraud)


Born 16.05.1851 Weinried (Regensburg)/Germany, member of S.V.D. 1875, priest 15.08.1876, nominated superior Scian-Ton Meridionale 08.01.1882, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Telepte and Apostolic Vicar of Scian-Ton Meridionale 22.12.1885, consecrated 24.01.1886 in Köln, consecrator Mons. Krementz [16], died 24.11.1903 Rom [17]



Appiani, Luigi Antonio


Born 22.03.1663 Dogliani (Saluzzo), priest 20.05.1687, member of C.M. 28.05.1689, arrested several times since 1706, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Myriophyte and Apost. Vicar of Se-Ciuen in 1715 (?), but he declined the nomination, in total more than 19 years in chinese prison, died 29.08.1732 Macau [17a]



Aramburu Urquiola, Zenon


 (Foto: Archive Perraud)


Born 09.07.1878 Villareal (Vitoria)/Spain, member of S.J. 1897, priest 30.07.1912, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Eressus and Apostolic Vicar of Wuhu 07.07.1936, consecrated 11.10.1936 in Wuhu, consecrator Mons. Melendro Guttiérez, nominated Bishop of Wuhu 11.04.1946, died 05.04.1969 Loyola/Spain [18]



Arduino, Michele


(Foto: Archive Perraud)


Born 05.03.1909 Foglizzo (Ivrea)/Italy, member of S.D.B., priest 09.07.1933, nominated Bishop of Shiuchow 09.04.1948, consecrated 29.06.1948, consecrator Mons. Riberi [19] in Shanghai, nominated Bishop of Gerace-Locri 21.10.1962, died 18.06.1972 [20]



Arregui y Yparaguirre, José


(Foto: Archive Perraud)


Born 03.09.1903 Berastegui/Spain, member of O.P., priest 27.07.1928, nominated Apostolic Prefect of Formosa 05.03.1948, emeritus 21.03.1961, died 05.08.1979 [21]




Assisi, Andreuccio di


Born (unknown date), member of O.F.M., priest, nominated Bishop for China 23.07.1307, consecrated, consecrator Cardinal Giovanni Minio da Morrovalle [22], died (unknown date) in India [23]


Audren, Paul


(Foto: irfa)


Born 01.10.1890 Evran (Saint-Brieuc), member of M.E.P. 06.09.1909, military service, then drafted into World War I as a soldier, priest 20.03.1920, nominated Pro-Vicar of Kientchang in 1928, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Pomaria and Coadjutor of Yunnanfu 26.04.1932, resigned nomination for health reasons 13.09.1932, arrested 09.11.1951 and expelled 02.02.1952, died 20.02.1966 Muret/France [23a]


Azevedo e Castro, João Paulino de


(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 02.02.1852 Lages do Pico (Angra)/Portugal, priest 1879, nominated Bishop of Macau 09.06.1902, consecrated 27.12.1902 in Angra, consecrator Mons. Carvalho, died 17.02.1918 Macau [24]


[1] See Perraud, Eubel 8:337, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.13:89, catholic-hierarchy; Verbiest Courier December 2022, Vol.XXXIV, p.21-22, according to Bibl.Miss. he became member of CICM in 1881; according to Eubel he was nominted Apost. Vicar on 09.07.1897 and according to catholic-hierarchy on 05.07.1897, according to Verbiest Courier he died in China

[2] See Perraud, Annuario Pontificio 1934:507; website Catholic Martyres, according to catholicmartyrs he was nominated Exarch in November 1928

[2a] Amleto Giovanni Cicognani (1883-1973), Cardinal 1958, Secretary of State 1961-1969

[2b] See catholic hierarchy, Apostolische Nachfolge, Annuario Pontificio 2000

[3] See Perraud, Obituary of Abbey Muensterschwarzach

[4] See Perraud, Eubel 8:538, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.12:324; www.catholic-hierarchy.org

[5] Maximino Velasco, O.P., 1851-1925, since 1902 Apost. Vicar of Northern Tonking, Vietnam

[6] See Perraud,  Eubel 9:90, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.13:69; according to Bibl.Miss he became member of O.P. in 1879; according to Eubel he died 12.06.1941

[7] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.13:705, irfa

[8] See Perraud , Eubel 8:529, Archive MEP

[9] Giovanni Minio da Morrovalle, (1250-1312), Cardinal-Bishop of Porto since 1302

[11] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (2):194, according to Bibl. Miss he was born in 1819; Website Comune Soave, Website Archive Diocese of Hongkong

[12] See Politi 2010:37

[13] See PEM 146, PEM 150, PEM 154, Lam 2005/I, Guide to the Catholic Church in China 2008:98,
       http://www.asianews.it 26.8.06, KNA-Informationsdienst Nr.50 / 51. Jahrgang, 13.12.06; Catholic News Service 6.12.06, Politi 2010:43, AsiaNews 07.08.2010; Cardinale 2017:188, according to Lam he was born in 1950, according to Politi the date of birth could also be 16.06.194, according to Cardinale he was born in 1949

[14] See Perraud, Eubel 8:71, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.13:225, Van den Brandt 1936:52, Ricci Institute, Bibl.Miss indicates, that he possibly was nominated Coadjutor in 1850

[15] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.13:452, Eubel 8:71; Ticozzi 2014:172, according to Bibl.Miss. born 29.05.1846; according to Bibl.Miss. he became priest in 1874; according to Eubel he was nominated Apost. Vicar 06.08.1887; according to Eubel he retired before 18.02.1895 (Mons. Passerini was nominated his successor 29.03.1895)

[16] Philipp Krementz (1819-1899), 1867-85 Bishop of Warmia; since 1885 Archbishop of Cologne, 1893 Cardinal

[17] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.12:592, Annuario Pontificio 1887, Bautz, Ricci Institute, according to Bibl. Miss. he was Pro-Vicar of Chantung merid. since 1882; according to Eubel he was nominated Tit.-Bishop 12.01.1886 and according to Annuario Pontificio 04.01.1886; according to Eubel he was consecrated in Steyl

[17a] See Planchet 1917:207, website vincentians, Van den Brandt 1936:6

[18] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (1):442

[19] Antonio Riberi (1897-1967), 1934 Titular-Archbishop of Dara, Apost. Nuncio, e.g. 1946-51 to China, 1967 Cardinal

[20] See Perraud, Annuario Pontificio

[21] See Perraud

[22] Giovanni Minio da Morrovalle, OFM. (ca.1250-1312), since 1302 Cardinal-Bishop of Porto

[23] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol. 4:41, 59, http://laveja.blogspot.com/2011/02/aspetti-storici-della-missione-di.html

[23a] See irfa, catholic hierarchy

[24] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (3):163

Bishops A - L > A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I - J / K / La - Le / Li - Ly