Ma Cunguo, Paul


Born 21.01.1971, priest 23.03.1996, Coadjutor of Shuozhou, consecrated 08.02.2004 in Shuozhou, consecrator Bonaventura Luo Juan, Bishop of Shouzhou 15.03.2007, openly installed 09.07.2020 [1]


Ma Daquin, Thaddeus


Born 1968 Shanghai, priest 18.12.1994, Aux.-Bishop [2] of Shanghai 30.05.2012, consecrated 07.07.2012 in Shanghai, consecrator Aloysius Jin Luxian, the government-sanctioned Bishops’ Conference of the Catholic Church of China (BCCCC) has revoked his appointment as “Coadjutor Bishop” of Shanghai and his status as Bishop in 2012 [3]


Ma Ji, see Ma Qi


Ma Long-lin, Matthias

(Foto: Archive Kierein)

Born 1917 or 1918 Shanghai, priest 1951, Bishop of Suzhou, consecrated 24.07.1981, consecrator Joseph Zhong Huai-de in Peking, died 09.06.1999 [4]


Ma Qi (Ma Ji), Philipp

(Foto: Archive Kierein)

Born 07.10.1918, priest 29.06.1947, 15.12.1955-02.08.1957 and 30.01.1965-29.01.1979 in prison and labor camps; Bishop of Pingliang, consecrated 15.03.1987, consecrator Lawrence Zhang Wen Bin, died 11.02.1999 [5]


Ma Xue-sheng, Joseph


Born 16.09.1923 in Zouping county, priest 1957, Coadjutor of Zhoucun, consecrated 24.04.1988 in Tsinan, consecrator Joseph Zhong Huai-de, Bishop of Zhoucun 27.06.1997, died 08.02.2013 [6]


Ma Yinglin, Joseph


Born 22.04.1965, priest 1989, Bishop of Kunming 2006, also responsible for the diocese of  Dali and Apost. Prefecture of  Zhaotong 2006, consecrated 30.04.2006 in Kunming, consecrator Bernardine Dong Guang-qing, 22.09.2018 recognized by Holy See [7]


Ma Zhongmu (Tegusbeleg [8]), Joseph


Born 01.11.1919 Chengchuan (Inner Mongolia), priest 31.07.1947, interned in a forced labor camp from 1958 to 1969, Bishop of Ningxia, consecrated 08.11.1983, consecrator Casimir Wang Milu, emeritus 2005, died 25.03.2020 Chengchuan [9]


MacGrath, William Cecil

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 29.04.1896 Oderin (Saint John’s, Newfoundland)/Canada, member of S.F.M. 1921, priest 29.06.1921, nominated Apostolic Prefect of Chuchow 04.03.1932, emeritus 13.05.1948, died 13.07.1970 [10]


Madtha, Ambrose

(Foto: Asia News)

Born 02.11.1955 Belthangady (India), priest 28.03.1982, Chargés d'affaires at the Vatican embassy to China 2003-2008, nominated Tit.-Archbishop of Naisso and Apost. Nuncio to Ivory Coast 08.05.2008, consecrated 27.07.2008 in Lucknow, consecrator Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran [10a], died 08.12.2012 (car accident) Ivory Coast [10b]


Magenties, Jean-Baptiste

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 01.08.1896 Ossun (Tarbes), member of S.C.J. 1920, priest 12.07.1925, nominated Superior of Tali 13.11.1931, nominated Apostolic Prefect of Tali 19.12.1935, emeritus 09.12.1948, died 00.02.1990 [11]


Maggi, Giuseppe

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 14.03.1898 Dalmine (Bergamo), member of M.E.M. 1919, priest 26.03.1921, nominated Apost. Administrator of Hanchung 1946, nominated Bishop of Hanchung 13.01.1949, consecrated 20.03.1949 in Hanchung, consecrator Mons. Wang Tao-nan, September 1952 expelled, returend to Italy, died 17.08.1963 Lecco [12]


Maggi, Luigi Maria

Born (unknown date), member of O.P., priest, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Bariaria and Coadjutor of Szechwan 08.10.1738, consecrated 03.10.1739 in Szechwan, consecrator Mons. Müllener, nominated Apostolic Vicar of Szechwan 17.12.1742, died 20.08.1743 [13]


Magni, Francesco

Born 1723 Delvio (Milano), member of O.F.M., priest, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Miletopolis and Apostolic Vicar of Chansi-Chensi 25.01.1763, consecrated 10.11.1765 in Lo-y-chien, consecrator Mons. Laimbeckhoven, emeritus 1777, died 11.02.1785 Peking [14]


Maigrot, Charles

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 1652 Paris, priest 1676 or 1677, member of M.E.P. 1680, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Comana and Apostolic Vicar of Fokien 05.02.1687, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Conon 20.10.1696, consecrated 14.or 19.03.1700 in Kiashin, consecrator Mons. della Chiesa, expelled 17.12.1706, emeritus 04.05.1708 (?), died 28.02.1730 Rome [15]


Maigrot, Jean-Baptiste

Born 1704 Diocese of Langres, member of M.E.P., priest, nominated 22.01.1753 Tit.-Bishop of Assura and Apost. Vicar of Se-Ciuen, but he died before the nomination arrived, died 20.10.1752 Macau (?) [15a]


Maleddu, Pietro

 (Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 24.02.1901 Sassari, member of O.F.M.Conv. 1921, priest 22.07.1924, nominated Apostolic Prefect of Hinganfu 07.05.1948, emeritus 1983, 30.03.1988 [16]


Mandello, Giovanni Battista di

Born 1746 Mandello (Milano), member of O.F.M., priest, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Casium and Apostolic Vicar of Chansi-Chensi 17.02.1792, consecrated 21.11.1794 in Szechwan, consecrator Mons. Saint-Martin, died 23.06.1804 Kiangchow [17]


Mao Qingfu, Peter

Born in 1963, priest 1994, Aux.-Bishop (?) of Luoyang, consecrated 14.10.2003, consecrator perhaps Li Hongye?   [17a]


Maoletti (the Elder), Giambattista

Born 1667 Serravalle (Vercelli), uncle of Giambattista Maoletti (the Younger), member of O.F.M. 03.08.1688, priest, nominated Apostolic Vicar of Houkouang 1721, died (without consecration) 14.01.1725 Luo-kuo-ma or Malukou [18]


Maoletti (the Younger), Giambattista

Born (unknown date) Serravalle (Vercelli), nephew of Giambattista Maoletti (the Elder), member of O.F.M., priest, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Megidan and Apostolic Vicar of Chansi-Chensi 1760, died (without consecration) 01.07.1761 [19]


Maquet, Henri

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 30.11.1843 Juvigny-sur-Loisan (Verdun), priest 06.06.1868, member of S.J. 1871 or 1872, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Amathusia and Apostolic Vicar of Ce-Li Meridio-Orientale 06.08.1901, consecrated 08.12.1901 in Shanghai, consecrator Mons. Paris, died 23.12.1919 Sienhsien [20]


Marchi, Pietro Paolo de

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 30.12.1838 Maniago (Concordia), member of O.F.M. 1854, priest 1865, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Sura and Apostolic Vicar of Scian-Ton Settentrionale 13.02.1889, consecrated 10.11.1889 in Peking, consecrator Mons. Tagliabue, died 30.08.1901 Tsinanfu [21]


Maresca, Francesco Xavier

Born 1805 Napoli, member of O.F.M., priest, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Soli and Coadjutor of Nanking 27.03.1846, consecrated 23.05.1847 in Kin-ka-kang, consecrator Mons. Besi, nominated Apostolic Administrator of Nanking 02.02.1849, died 02.11.1855 Napoli [22]


Marin, George

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 02.03.1895 Lowell (Boston), member of S.J. 1915, priest 15.08.1926, nominated Apostolic Administrator of Suchow 03.12.1931, emeritus 18.06.1935, died 24.12.1956 Lowell [23]


Martiliat, Joachim-Enjobert de

Born 1706 Clermont, member of M.E.P. 1727, priest 12.05.1731, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Echinos and Apostolic Vicar of Yunnan 02.10.1739, consecrated 29.07.1741 in Hia-se-hiang, consecrator Mons. Müllener, nominated Apostolic Vicar of Szechwan 20.08.1743, died 25.08.1755 Rome [24]


Martina, Tarcisio

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 17.09.1887 Gemona (Udine), member of C.S.S. 1904, priest 07.08.1911, nominated Superior of Yihsien 22.10.1929, nominated Apostolic Prefect of Yihsien 03.01.1936, died 12.11.1961 Verona [25]


Martinez y Martinez, Hippolito

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 08.07.1882 Pola de Laviana (Oviedo), member of O.S.A. 1897, priest 05.07.1905, nominated Apostolic Prefect of Lichow 16.01.1932, died 03.12.1962 Valladolid [26]


Masót y Gómez, Salvador

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 18.11.1845 Alfés (Lerida), member of O.P. 1863, priest 16.06.1869, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Auria and Apostolic Vicar of Fokien 20.06.1884, consecrated 12.10.1884 in Foochow, consecrator Mons. Chinchon, died 17.03.1911 Valencia [27]


Massa, Pietro

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 26.06.1895 Genua, member of M.E.M. 1914, priest 26.03.1921, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Citarizo and Apostolic Vicar of Nanyang 29.03.1938, consecrated 26.05.1938 in Kiuhiaking, consecrator Mons. Ferroni, nominated Bishop of Nanyang 11.04.1946, died 19.02.1978 Rancio di Lecco [28] 


Massé, Emilien

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 12.07.1901 Joliette, member of M.E.Q. 1925, priest 29.06.1929, nominated Apostolic Prefect of Lintung 31.03.1939, died 29.07.1943 Szepingkai [29]


Massi, Eugenio

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 13.08.1875 Monte Prandone (Ripatransone), member of O.F.M. 15.08.1890, priest 20.02.1898, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Joppe and Apostolic Vicar of Chansi 15.02.1910, consecrated 15.05.1910 in Taiyuanfu, consecrator Mons. Fiorentini, nominated Apostolic Vicar of Scen-Si Centrale 07.07.1916, nominated Apostolic Vicar of Hankow 26.01.1927, died 10.12.1944 Hankow (during the bombing of the city) [30]


Mata, Jerome José da

(Foto: Website Diocese of Macau)

Born 18.12.1804 Certa, member of C.M., priest 19.12.1829, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Colophonia and Coadjutor of Macau 17.06.1844, nominated Bishop of Macau 28.03.1845, consecrated 21.12.1846 in Macau, consecrator Mons. Jimeno [31], emeritus 25.09.1862, died 05.05.1865 Campo Maior [32]


Maurice, Gabriel

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 10.10.1862 La Plaine (Nantes), member of O.F.M. 1879, priest 05.09.1885, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Lesvi and Apostolic Vicar of Scen-Si Settentrionale 01.08.1908, consecrated 30.11.1908 in Chefoo, consecrator Mons. Schang, nominated Apostolic Vicar of Scen-Si Centrale 12.04.1911, emeritus 07.07.1916, died 17.07.1925 Pornic (Nantes) [33]


Mazzotti, Stefano

Born 18.6.1966 Faenza, priest 24.11.2001, nominated Chargés d'affaires "Ad interim" at the Vatican embassy to China 2022, nominated Chargés d'affaires at the Vatican embassy to China 2022 [33a]


Medeiros, Antonio Joaquim de

(Foto: Website Diocese of Macau)

Born 15.10.1846 Villar de Nantes (Braga), priest, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Thermopolis and Aux.-Bishop of Goa 29.08.1882, consecrated 15.08.1883 in Goa, consecrator Mons. Valente [34], nominated Bishop of Macau 13.11.1884, died 07.01.1897 Timor [35]


Megan, Thomas

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 12.04.1899 Eldora (Dubuque), member of S.V.D. 1920, priest 29.05.1926, nominated Apostolic Prefect of Sinsiang 07.07.1936, emeritus 1948, died 04.10.1951 Hattiesburg [36]


Melendro Guttiérez, Federico

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 18.07.1889 Villasila de Valdavia (León), member of S.J. 1907, priest 05.03.1922, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Remesiana and Apostolic Vicar of Anking 14.02.1930, consecrated 01.06.1930 in Anking, consecrator Mons. Huarte, nominated Archbishop of Anking 11.04.1946, died 14.10.1978 Villagarcía de Campos [37]


Mendes dos Reis, Bartolomeu Manoel

(Foto: Website Diocese of Macau)

Born 23.08.1720 Cercosa, priest 21.09.1743, nominated Bishop of Macau 29.01.1753, consecrated 25.07.1753, consecrator Mons. Dantas Barbosa [38], nominated Bishop of Mariana 08.03.1773, emeritus 28.08.1778, died 07.03.1799 [38a]


Meng Jieren, see Meng Zi Wen


Meng Ningyou, Paul


Born 1963 Taiyuan, priest 1991, Coadjutor of Taiyuan, consecrated 16.09.2010 in Taiyuan, consecrator Silvester Li Jiantang, Bishop of Taiyuan 24.11.2013 [39]


Meng Qinglu, Paul


Born 23.06.1962 Wumeng, priest 16.7.1989, elected Bishop of Hohhot July 2005, consecrated 18.04.2010 in Hohhot, consecrator Paul Pei Junmin [40]



Meng Zi Wen (Meng Jieren; Mong Zi Wen), Joseph

(Foto: sent by Bishop to author)

Born 19.03.1904 [41] Hengling, priest 12.04.1935, 1951-1970 in prison and labor camps; Bishop of Nanning, consecrated 24.02.1984, consecrator Matthias Lu Zhengshen, died 07.01.2007 Nanning [42]


Menicatti, Giovanni

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 18.09.1866 Milano, member of M.E.M. 15.08.1885, priest 20.01.1889, nominated Apost. Pro-Vicar of Ho-Nan Settentrionale 1901, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Tanis and Apostolic Vicar of Ho-Nan Settentrionale 12.09.1903, consecrated 23.11.1903 in Peking, consecrator Mons. Jarlin, emeritus 00.12.1920, died 23.12.1943 Monza [43]


Mérel, Jean-Marie

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 18.09.1854 Vay (Nantes), priest 29.06.1879, member of M.E.P. 25.09.1880, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Orciste and Apostolic Prefect of Kuangtung 20.04.1901, consecrated 06.10.1901 in Canton, consecrator Mons. Van Camelbeke [44], nominated Apostolic Vicar of Kuangtung 06.04.1914, emeritus 06.08.1914, nominated Tit.-Archbishop of Craina 13.06.1921, died 13.10.1932 Singapur [44a]


Meyer, Bernard Francis

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 16.06.1891 Davenport, member of M.M. 1914, priest 02.12.1916, nominated Superior Wuchow 30.10.1931, nominated Apostolic Prefect of Wuchow 10.12.1934, emeritus 20.07.1939, died 08.05.1976 Maryknoll [45]


Mezzafalce, Giovanni Donato

Born 1661 Butoni (Bitonto), priest, nominated Apostolic Vicar of Chekian 1704/1705, expelled 1706, consecrated ?, died 30.08.1720 Rome [46]


Michel, Adolph Jean Louis

Born 18.11.1884 Chaspuzac/Le Puy, member of M.E.P., priest 26.09.1909, nominated Apostolic Pro-Vicar of Kunming 1935, nominated Apost. Administrator of Kunming 1938, nominated Apostolic Pro-Vicar of Kunming 1939, died 15.03.1949 Kunming [47]


Mignani, Gaetano

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 31.08.1882 Piumazzo bei Castelfranco (Bologna), member of C.M. 1904, priest 19.03.1905, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Cassandria and Coadjutor of Kianfu 16.07.1928, consecrated 17.02.1929 in Kianfu, consecrator Mons. Dumond, nominated Apostolic Vicar of Kianfu 15.10.1931, nominated Bishop of Kianfu 11.04.1946, died 29.01.1973 Rom [48]


Min Doumu, Thomas

Born (unknown date), priest, nominated Administrator of Chaohsien 13.02.1953, Bishop of Chaohsien, consecrated 1980/81?, consecrator Julius Jia Zhiguo?, died ca. 1980/81? [49]


Min Xilian, Stanislaus                                                        

Born 1919, priest 00.09.1948, Bishop of Zhaoxian, consecrated 11.01.1982, consecrator Jia Zhiguo, died 1983 [50]


Misner, Paul Bergam


(Foto: Website elijah1836)

Born 26.01.1891 Peoria, member of C.M. 1911, priest 23.02.1919, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Myrica and Apostolic Vicar of Yukiang 10.12.1934, consecrated 25.03.1935 in Yukiang, consecrator Mons. O’ Shea, died 03.11.1938 Yukiang [51]


Moccagatta, Luigi

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 09.10.1809 Castellazo-Bormida (Alessandria), member of O.F.M. 1826, priest 23.04.1832, nominated Apostolic Pro-Vicar of Chantung 1841, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Zenopolis and Coadjutor of Chantung 02. or 03.03.1844, consecrated 11.05.1845, consecrator Mons. Besi, nominated Apostolic Vicar of Chantung 09.07.1848, additional Apostolic Administrator of Chansi 1862, nominated Apostolic Vicar of Changsi 27.09.1870, died 06.09.1891 Taiyunafu [52]


Mondaini, Giovanni Pellegrino 

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 15.01.1868 Verucchio (Rimini), member of O.F.M. 08.12.1889, priest 25.07.1890, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Synaus and Apostolic Vicar of Hu-Nan Meridionale 23.01.1902, consecrated 20.04.1902 in Hankow, consecrator Mons. Carlassare, emeritus 1930, nominated Tit.-Archbishop of Rusio 11.08.1930, died 19.12.1934 Cesena [53]



Mong Zi Wen, see Meng Zi Wen



Montaigne, Paul Léon

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 29.08.1883 Terdeghem (Lille), member of C.M. 1901, priest 25.05.1907, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Sidyma and Apostolic Vicar of Paoting 18.12.1924, consecrated 19.04.1925 in Paoting, consecrator Mons. Costantini, nominated Coadjutor of Peking 15.01.1930, nominated Apostolic Vicar of Peking 26.01.1933, emeritus 11.04.1946, died 09.01.1962 Paris [54]


Montecorvino, Giovanni de

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 1247 Montecorvino, member of O.F.M., priest, nominated Archbishop of Khanbaliq and Titular Patriarch of All East 23.07.1307, consecrated 1308 in Peking, consecrator Mons. Andrea de Perugia, Gerardo Albuini  and Peregrino da Castello, died 01.01.1328 [55]



Monteiro, José

Born 16.08.1649 Lisboa/Portugal, member of S.J. 1663, priest, nominated in 1691 Bishop of Nanking by the King of Portugal, who had during that time the right to nominate the bishop, but the pope refused his confirmation, never consecrated, died 31.12.1720 Macau [56]


Monteiro da Serra, Verissimo

Born 01.10.1776 Bombarral (Beira), member of C.M., priest, nominated Bishop of Peking by the King of Portugal 1818, refused the office 1826, never confirmed by the pope or consecrated, died 09.10.1852 Bombarral (Beira) [57]


Morel, Ludovicus

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 30.10.1880 Houthem les Comines (Brugge), member of C.I.C.M. 1899, priest 16.07.1905, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Araxa and Apostolic Vicar of Suiyuan 21.05.1938, consecrated 18.10.1938 in Kwei-Sui-Suiyuan, consecrator Mons. De Smedt, nominated Archbishop of Suiyuan 11.04.1946, emeritus 19.08.1951, nominated Tit.-Archbishop of Eno 19.08.1951, died 06.06.1971 Scheut [58]


Moretti, Pietro

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 22.05.1888 Cabernardi (Nocera Umbra), member of O.F.M. 1904, priest 21.06.1914, nominated Superior of Tungchow 22.04.1932, nominated Apostolic Prefect of Tungchow 08.04.1935, died 1973 (?) [59]


Motte, Pierre Lambert de la

(Foto: wikipedia)

Born 16.01.1624 La Boissière (France), priest 27.12.1655, Administrator of Chekian 1658-1679, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Beirut and Apost. Vicar of Cochin (Vietnam), consecrated 11.06.1660, consecrator Mons. Le Bouthilier [59a], retired 1669, died 15.06.1679 Ayutthaya [59b]


Mouly, Joseph-Martial

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 02.08.1807 Figeac (Cahors), member of C.M. 18.08.1825, priest 02.04.1831, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Fussala and Apostolic Vicar of Mongolia 23.08.1840, consecrated 25.07.1842 in Hong-keoutze (Chansi), consecrator Mons. Salvetti, additional nominated Apostolic Administrator of Peking 28.04.1848, nominated Apostolic Vicar of Ce-Li Settentrionale 30.05.1856, additional Apost. Administrator of Ce-Li Meridio-Occidentale 30.05.1856 - 14.12.1858 , died 04.12.1868 Peking [60]


Müllener, Johannes

(Foto: Archive Perraud)

Born 04.10.1673 Bremen (Osnabrück), priest 16.12.1696, member of C.M. 02.02.1704, nominated Tit.-Bishop of Mynophyte and Apostolic Vicar of Szechwan 15.09.1715, consecrated 08. or 13.12.1716 in Changtong, consecrator Mons. della Chiesa, died 17.12.1742 Xintouxian [61]


[1] See PEM 174; Lam 2005/I, Politi 2010:52, UCANews 24.2.2004, 20.07.2020,

[2] According to UCANews 5.7.2012 “(…) the Holy See approved him as ausxiliary bishop and has not yet accepted the resignation of Coadjutor Bishop Jin (…)” , but the CPA recognized him as Coadjutor Bishop of Shanghai

[3] See UCA News 30.5.2012, 5.7.2012, 7.7.2012, 10.12.2012, Asianews 26.01.2017, Cardinale 2017:197

[4] See PEM 156, Politi 2010:24

[5] See letter of the bishop to authors , Lam 2000/I:107, PEM 114, 134 , Politi 2010:32,

[6] See PEM 150, Politi 2010:35, http://www.ucanews.com/diocesan-directory/html/ordinary-of-china-zhoucun-diocese.php; Fides 22.02.2013; some sources say he was born 16.09.1922;

[7] See UCANews 29.04.2006 and 01.05.2006, Cardinale 2017:196, China heute XXXVII (2018), Nr. 4 (200):253

[8] Native Mongolian name of the Bishop

[9] See PEM 152, UCANews 11.11.08, Lam 2000/I:57, Guide to the Catholic Church in China 2008:199, Politi 2010:29, Cardinale 2017:194, AsiaNews 26.03.2020,

[10] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (2):407, www.scarboromissions.ca/Learn_about_us/docs/sfm_deceased.pdf

[10a] Jean-Louis Tauran (1943-2018), Cardinal 2003, President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue since 2007

[10b] See AsiaNews 14.12.2012catholic hierarchy, daijiworld.com (28.07.2008),  daijiworld.com (09.12.2012)

[11] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (1):431

[12] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (2):186, Website parish of Brembo di Dalmine; Website atma-o-jibon

[13] See Perraud

[14] See Perraud

[15] See Perraud, Anderson 1998:428, http//www.encyclopedia.stochastikon.com

[15a] See Planchet 1917:207, website Archives de Missions Étrangères de Paris, website new advent,

[16] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (2):57, Annuario Pontificio

[17] See Perraud

[17a] See Cardinale 2017:195

[18] See Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.7:469, http://ricci.rt.usfca.edu/biography/view.aspx?biographyID=808; according to Ricci born in 1669

[19] See Perraud, http://ricci.rt.usfca.edu/biography/view.aspx?biographyID=809

[20] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.12:564, Eubel 8:64; Planchet 1917:49; according to Eubel and Planchet nominated Apost. Vicar 31.07.1901

[21] See Perraud, Eubel 8:530, http://www.ucanews.com/dps/html/dps-ch_jinan.php ,


[22] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.12:217, Planchet 1917:181, Fois et.al. 1983:457, Annuario Pontificio 1846

[23] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (1):548, Internet Archive

[24] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.7:288; according ot Bibl.Miss he died on 24.08.1755

[25] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (2):353; according to Bibl.Miss he was born in Ospedaletto del Friuli

[26] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.13:664, catholic hierarchy

[27] See Perraud, Eubel 8:133

[28] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (2):187, website atma-o-jibon

[29] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (2):365

[30] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.13:512; Annuario Pontificio 1944, Planchet 1917:100

[31] Romualdo Jimeno Ballestreros, O.P. (1808-72), Bishop of Cebu/Philippines since 1846

[32] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.12:117; according to Bibl.Miss. nominated Coadjutor in 1843 and retired 1859

[33] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.13:51; Eubel 9:224; according to Bibl.Miss. he became member of OFM in 1878 and was ordained to priesthood in 1886; according to Eubel he died 17.07.1926

[33a] See Website gcatholic,

[34] Antonio Sebastião Valente (1846-1908), Archbishop of Goa since 1881

[35] See Perraud

[36] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (1):373

[37] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (1):551, Annuario Pontificio 1934:510, wikipedia

[38] José Dantas Barbosa (1703-1770), Aux.-Bishop of Lisboa since 1743

[38a] See Perraud,  www.catholic-hierarchy.org

[39] See UCANews 16.09.2010; AsiaNews 16.09.2010, Asia News 14.08.2017, UCANews 16.08.2017, L'Osservatore Roamno 06.10.2017, p.7

[40] See UCANews 19.04.2010, PEM 202

[41] See letter of the bishop to authors; according to UCANews 16.1.2004 born 19.03.1902. according to China Heute XXVII  (2008), no. 1-2 (155-156), p. 2 born in 1903, according to Politi 2010:30 born 16.10.1904

[42] See AsiaNews 12.1.07;UCANews 16.1.04; UCANews 11.1.07; PEM 152, Politi 2010:30

[43] See Perraud, Eubel 9:356; Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.13:100, Planchet 1917:94, according to Eubel he was nominated Apost. Vicar on 11.09.1903 and was consecrated 22.11.1903

[44] Désiré-François Van Camelbeke, M.E.P.(1839-1901), Apost. Vicar of Eastern Cochin/Viernam since 1884

[44a] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.13:52, Eubel 8:427; irfa, according to Perraud he was nominated Apost.Prefect on 15.04.1901; according to Bibl.Miss he became Tit.-Archbishop in 1914

[45] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (2):222; according to Bibl.Miss born 16.02.1891, eventually in Brooklyn

[46] See http://www.archive.org/stream/jesuitsinchinale00jenkrich/jesuitsinchinale00jenkrich_djvu.txt, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.7:152, Chan 2002:446, www.cath.com, http://stochastikon.no-ip.org:8080/encyclopedia/en/muellenerJohannes.pdf; New Zealand Tablet 26.12.1918

[47] See Perraud, http://archives.mepasie.org/notices/notices-biographiques/michel-3

[48] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (2):112

[49] See PEM 151, 152

[50] See Politi 2010:26

[51] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (2):113; according to Bibl.Miss he died in Kinkayoi

[52] See Perraud,  Eubel 7:402, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.12:243,

[53] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.13:471, Eubel 8:531, Planchet 1917:182, Annuario Pontificio; according to Perraud he was nominated Apost.Vicar 13.01.1902; according to Bibl.Miss he retired and was nominated Tit.-Archbishop 23.07.1930

[54] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (2):114

[55] See Perraud,  http://users.bart.nl/~roestb/franciscan/franauta.htm, wikipedia, Website g-catholic

[56] See Santos Hernandez 1999:148-49; Krahl 1964:105, Brockey 2007:151 ff.;  http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9_Monteiro

[57] See Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.12:80, see http://www.vincenziani.com/nuovaconferenza.htm, Guide to the Catholic Church in China 2008:34; http://www.famvin.org/cm/institutes/CIF/cif-talks/rybolt-saints.html,

[58] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (2):450

[59] See Perraud, Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.14 (1):220; according to Bibl.Miss he was born in Sassoferrato

[59a] Victor Le Bouthilier (1567-1670), Archbishop of Tours since 1641

[59b] See Planchet 1917:171, catholic-hierarchy.org, wikipedia
[60] See Perraud,  Planchet 1917:54, http://ricci.rt.usfca.edu/biography/view.aspx?biographyID=875,  Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.12:98, Eubel 7:200;
Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Christianity, according to ricci he was nominated Apost. Administrator of Peking on 28.04.1846, Eubel indicates that he was nominated 20.03.1848, Bibl.Miss indicates 1846; according to Eubel he was nominated Apost. Vicar of Ce-Li Settentrionale 03.06.1856

[61] See Perraud,  www.bautz.de/bbkl/m/muellener_j.shtml; Bibliotheca Missionum Vol.7:128, Van den Brandt 1936:6, according to http://www.vincenziani.com/nuovaconferenza.htm he “[...] eventually joined the Congregation (CM), made his vows, became a bishop, but who never made a proper novitiate nor lived in a Community house.”; according to Bautz, the consecration was secretly 14.12.1716.; see http//www.encyclopedia.stochastikon.com 

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